About Us
Who we are is simple really, outdoor gear for outdoor GIRLS.
We have a line of girls hunting clothes that for now include shirts and pants. Soon to come are a jacket, bibs, vest and more. All with a unique feminine floral camo pattern. Designed to fit girls sizes Extra Small to XXL.
All of our gear is made in the USA. In fact, made right in our home state of Georgia.
It all started when my daughter wanted to join my husband hunting. When it became clear her interest was serious, we set out to get her geared up. I knew it was going to be a task, women's hunting apparel is still fairly new to the scene. But I was surprised to find absolutely nothing! Our options were boys or youth. They didn't fit well, and most didn't even run in her size.
A girl doesn't have to either be a "tom-boy" or a "girly-girl". We think she can be BOTH! And Lea Avery Gear is setting out to provide a line of hunting gear that allows her to be both.
We have been working hard to develop pieces that allows our girls to hike, haul, climb, draw a bow and shoot in clothing that is trendy, pretty, tough and fits well. After almost two years of planning and working we are finally releasing our first few pieces!
There's still a lot in the works! So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us and what's to come. Then check back later for updates or even better, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. We are so glad that you are on this journey with us.